What's Goin' On....... HIGHLIGHTs
Hacket Elementary, Beloit, Wisconsin
There is Only One of YOU -submitted for 63rd GRAMMY consideration
There is Only One of You
Video Release 8/13/20 This children's music video celebrates our individuality. There is only one of you in all this world in all of time. It is our job to find out what makes us happy and what we are good at and share this with the world. And while doing that, always look at the bright side. |
NO Bully - Animated Video submitted for 61st GRAMMY consideration
No Bully Video October 2017- Animation by Hailey McLaughlin. Music and Lyrics by Susan Picking,Rap by James Harper, Featuring Meala Gelsinon, Arranged and Produced by Erik Peterson. This fun video gives children some guidelines on what to do in a Bullying Situation. Let's Stomp out bullying!
School of Life CD

The School of Life CD - Is available NOW! It is a Children's Album that is for and with kids singing on the recording. The message driven songs are danceable, singable, and memorable with fresh arrangements. As the title "School of Life" suggests, we are all students in this school. In this life of learning, this project's intent is to teach and promote Kindness, Tolerance, Diversity, Inclusion, and Bullying Prevention. Artwork by Josh Andrus.
ArtPrize 2017 - Let's Come Together

ArtPrize 9 Grand Rapids Michigan - Let's Come Together a collaborative song with Erik Peterson, Blake Peterson,and myself. It's an open hearted multi-generational plea for PEACE and invitation to release preconceived judgements. Click on the image to listen on SoundCloud.